Save The Kids

Save The Kids

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SaveTheKids ($KIDS) Charity Token has partnered with Binance Charity to donate directly to their projects to help children. To start, they will make a donation to Binance Lunch for Children, which will provide lunches to less fortunate schoolchildren in Africa. $KIDS launched with an initial supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens. Each transaction has a total commission of 3%, divided equally between the liquidity pool, redistribution and charity. The token has one of the lowest fees, making it convenient to buy and sell your tokens with just 3% slippage (4% per transaction guaranteed). The goal is to become the largest token on the BSC network. The project has partnered with famous ambassadors, offering huge exposure and reach, such as Ricegum, FaZe Kay, FaZe Jarvis, FaZe Teeqo, and FaZe Nikan. Others must be announced as the token grows.