PYXIS Network

PYXIS Network (PYX) Token Guide. Explanation, quote and staking

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What is the PYXIS network? The PYXIS Network is a decentralized finance staking platform on the Binance Smart Chain. PYX token is used for: Stake. People can lock the chips for a certain period of time and win when the bet is ripe. The PYXIS network includes: BNB Staking People can use BNB to bet and win. PYX stakeout People can use PYX (our main token) to bet and win. How many PYX tokens are there? The supply of PYX tokens is not fixed. It can be increased or decreased depending on how users interact with the system. Where can I buy PYX tokens (PYX)? PancakeSwap (A decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain).