ZilPay Wallet / Dragon Zil Token

ZilPay Wallet / Dragon Zil Token

ZilPay Wallet / Dragon Zil Token ZLP Rank #7376

How to buy ZilPay Wallet / Dragon Zil Token (ZLP) Token - What is it, price and benefits

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ZilPay Wallet is a basic wallet in the Zilliqa ecosystem, providing users with fast and secure access to their funds and NFTs, with a visually pleasing design and interface. ZilPay Wallet is also available as a browser extension (Chrome, Brave, etc.) as a mobile app, making it the most widely used and versatile Zilliqa Blockchain wallet. Dragon Zil is an NFT gaming experience offered by ZilPay Wallet. Here you can collect, hatch, mutate, breed, fight and trade NFT dragons as you like. The game regularly receives mechanical and visual updates and is community driven.