

xRhodium XRC Rank #1522

How to buy xRhodium (XRC) Token. What is it, price and yields

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PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
Fatbtc XBC/BTC -
xRhodium was released on 10/28/2018 as a new crypto product. XRhodium's goal is to be a store of value coin and the base currency for its decentralized free market project FreeMarket.One. The project uses its own blockchain (not a fork) and reportedly has a Strong Hands program, a program that gives holders a share of unclaimed airdropped coins over the course of 4 years, no need to register. FreeMarket.One was officially launched on February 15, 2022. Future versions are on the way, including a decentralized NFT marketplace. xRhodium uses its blockchain with a total supply of 2.1 million XRC. It is programmed in C# language and is just POW.