Wrapped Fantom

Wrapped Fantom

Wrapped Fantom WFTM Rank #2790


How to buy Wrapped Fantom (WFTM) Token - What is it, price and risks

Wrapped Fantom Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
SpookySwap WFTM/MIM -
SpiritSwap WFTM/MIM -
Solidly MIM/USDC -
FANTOM is a new DAG-based smart contract platform that aims to solve the scalability issues of existing distributed public ledger technologies. The platform intends to differentiate itself from traditional block register-based storage infrastructure by attempting to use an improved version of existing DAG-based protocols. The FANTOM platform adopts a new protocol known as the "Lachesis Protocol" to maintain consensus. This protocol is intended to be integrated into the Fantom OPERA chain. The goal is to enable FANTOM OPERA chain-based applications to enjoy instant transactions and near-zero transaction costs for all users. FANTOM's mission is to provide compatibility among all the world's transaction agencies and create an ecosystem that enables real-time transactions and data exchange at low cost.