World of Waves

World of Waves

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World of Waves was founded as a nature conservation effort fueled by the intricate world of cryptocurrency combined with a passion for wildlife conservation. Led by a seasoned technology team with over 40 years of technology experience, we believe World of Waves holds the key to enabling people around the world to better protect the planet's ecosystem. Our mission is to bridge the gap between the world of cryptocurrencies and charity and bring blockchain technology and charitable causes closer together. $WOW will become an important part of the solution on how to conserve nature, preserve wildlife, and make life on this planet sustainable for all living things. To restore the world, as it deserves, to its former glory. Our vision is to preserve the world for future generations. In our journey to achieve this vision, we are forging partnerships with NGOs and communities around the world and continue to donate not only funds, but physical labor through our volunteer groups.