

Ultiledger ULT Rank #516


How to buy Ultiledger (ULT) Token. What is it, price and benefits

Ultiledger Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
CoinTiger TRX/BITCNY -
RippleFox ULT/XRP -
Launched in September 2018, Ultilegder describes itself as an open source global self-funding blockchain protocol that gains high-level consensus and co-governance from its communities. Ultiledger aims to build an economic and financial ecosystem based on the "ULT" token to help any organization that needs to build trust at low cost and build a distributed financial ledger and accounting system with bank-grade security. It plans to offer no-cost transaction settlement, enhanced security, privacy, efficiency, and capital availability through a combination of mainchain and subchains. Ultiledger's headquarters are located in Shanghai. As of September 2019, the Ultiledger mainchain test is scheduled for Q3 2019. For more information, visit https://www.ultiledger.io/