

TrezarCoin TZC Rank #2234


How to buy TrezarCoin (TZC) Token. What is it, price and reliability

TrezarCoin Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
Graviex DGB/BTC -
Crex24 FTC/BTC -
Finexbox FTC/BTC -
Trezarcoin was launched on September 3, 2017 and aims to be a highly secure currency and store of value with fast transaction times. Trezarcoin has an energy efficient hybrid PoW/PoS Blockchain, which provides security through its multi-something implementations. Trezarcoin has a block time of one minute. The difficulty setting affects each block and is done by the OSS (Orbitcoin-Super-Shield). TrezarMessage was developed by the Trezarcoin Team, a fully encrypted messaging app that runs on the peer-to-peer layer of the Trezarcoin Blockchain. The team is decentralized and the founder comes from Germany.