Timechain Swap Token

Timechain Swap Token

Timechain Swap Token TCS Rank #2340


Definitive guide to buy Timechain Swap Token (TCS) Token - What is it, price and staking

Timechain Swap Token Exchanges

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SpookySwap WFTM/MIM -
SpiritSwap WFTM/MIM -
What is TimechainSwap (TCS)? TimechainSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator currently active in the Fantom ecosystem with the goal of expanding to Binance Smart Chain and the Ethereum ecosystem. It links a variety of DEXs into a single platform and allows its users to find the most efficient trade routes across all integrated platforms. DEX aggregators eliminate the need to manually monitor prices and liquidity, ultimately leading to efficiency in token trading. DEX aggregators work by drawing liquidity from different DEXes, which means they can offer users better token exchange rates than they could find on any single DEX, in the shortest amount of time. The TimechainSwap token launched on September 28, 2021 after a $1.5 million fundraising from Ledgerlink Labs, AlphaBit, Launchpool, and an angel investor. Who are the founders of Timechain (Swap)? Timechain (Swap) is a regulated Canadian fintech company founded by Louis Cleroux. He has helped more than a dozen public companies with the innovation and regulation of new products in the fintech space. He graduated from the John Molson School of Business in Finance and is currently pursuing a Master of Engineering from ETS Montreal. What makes Timechain (Swap) unique? TimechainSwap offers significant reductions in transaction fees, better exchange rates, and faster transaction approval times. In the future, it will offer a wide range of popular DeFi services. In addition, a Canadian CEX FIAT-on-ramp mobile app is currently under development. How many TimechainSwap Token (TCS) coins are in circulation? The TimechainSwap token was launched on September 28, 2021. TCS tokens are intended to be used for consumption purposes throughout the Timechain ecosystem, TimechainSwap token protocols, and other applications that third parties may develop using TCS tokens and/or the blockchain without decentralized authorization. timing chain network. The outstanding offering on TCS as of launch day on September 28, 2021 is 3.27% of the total issuance, including the first month of the cash-out program. The current total supply of TCS is 20 million tokens. Of the total supply of tokens, 20% was allocated to community incentives and will be depleted over the next four years to create an incentive for community members to get involved in the ecosystem. form the development and growth fund for the protocol, which is used to provide grants, engage developers, and reimburse users who have encountered unforeseen circumstances. How is the Timechain ecosystem protected? TimechainSwap is non-custodial and all swaps are done within one transaction from a user's wallet. As of September 2021, SpookySwap, SpiritSwap, SushiSwap, Curve, PaintSwap, Hyperjump and others are integrated into the TimechainSwap DEX aggregator. Where can the Timechain Swap (TCS) token be purchased? TCS is available on various decentralized exchanges including SpookySwap, SpiritSwap, and TimechainSwap. New to cryptocurrencies? Learn more about the best way to buy Bitcoin, check out CoinMarketCap's guide on "How to Buy Bitcoin" here. For more information about this project, consult our medium.