

Terracoin TRC Rank #1677

Definitive guide to buy Terracoin (TRC) Token. What is it, price and performance

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Terracoin (TRC) was launched in 2012 with the goal of creating a more user-friendly replacement for fiat currencies that can be adopted worldwide. In an attempt to empower users of decentralized governance, TRC and masternodes were added in 2017. Terracoin was one of the first forks of Bitcoin and since its inception has developed features such as: Two-tier network with incentivized nodes and decentralized governance (Masternodes ), Instant Payments (InstantSend), Optional Privacy (PrivateSend), Dark Gravity Wave v3 Difficulty Adjustment, SHA256d Algorithm with AuxPoW Merge Mining, Multitude of Wallet Options, Easy-to-Use Multi-Signature Addresses in Light Wallets, and Block Timeouts 2 minutes.

Terracoin had no ICO or premine. The initial distribution of Terracoin was a fair launch.