Shield Token

Shield Token

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Invest in Shield Token (SID) Token - What is it, price and staking

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Shield Token is a series of smart contracts that allow anyone to issue and trade tokenized assets. The price and status of real-world assets are tracked and monitored by an oracle. A dynamic balancing mechanism is implemented to allow miners and traders to make maximum profits. Meanwhile, the betting group ensures that the market price is stable and full of vitality. A synthetic asset issued on Shield is called an sAsset. For example, a synthetic version of Google's real asset would be called sGoogle. The Shield protocol uses automated market makers (AMMs) to facilitate asset trading against stablecoins. A critical function of the Shield protocol is the import of data on asset prices outside of the blockchain. This is necessary to determine the amount of collateral required to mint an asset and to assess whether enough collateral is locked up for existing assets. The protocol accomplishes this through an Oracle mechanism. Shield token holders submit votes on each asset, which the protocol aggregates to calculate a weighted median for each holder's Shield token holding. Oracle Shield sends prices with high frequency to match real-time prices of exchange-traded assets.