
How to invest in Satozhi (SATOZ) Token. What is it, price and benefits

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Information about Satozhi (SATOZ) Satozhi (SATOZ) was formed using a technical protocol similar to Bitcoin (BTC) that was created according to the proposal of Satoshi Nakamoto. While in Bitcoin (BTC) we are familiar with the Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol, in Satozhi (SATOZ) a better protocol is made, known as Proof-of-Burn (PoB). The most energy efficient cryptocurrency mining in the world. Mining results are shared pretty automatically every 10 minutes to your wallet and any wallet, FOREVER. Very interesting right? What is Satozhi (SATOZ)? Satozhi (SATOZ) is a crypto token that runs entirely on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), then on the Ethereum and SATOZ networks according to the standards of the most advanced smart contract protocols. Why call it Satozhi (SATOZ)? Satozhi (SATOZ) was formed using a technical protocol similar to Bitcoin (BTC) that was created according to the proposal of Satoshi Nakamoto. If in Bitcoin (BTC) we are familiar with the Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol, in Satozhi (SATOZ) a better protocol is made, known as Proof-of-Burn (PoB). How does the Proof of Burning (PoB) protocol work? Satozhi (SATOZ) is the first token in the world to use this new protocol. This protocol uses the logic of burning the supply of tokens on the blockchain and then creating a new token in the pool every 10 minutes. PRESS RELEASES (AUDIT) MOBILE WALLET