Invest in ROCKET GLOBAL (RCKC) Token. What is it, price and staking


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Global Rocket is a hybrid marketplace of state-of-the-art cryptocurrency, high-yield betting, and NFT marketplace. Rocket Global combines CEX and DEX into a sustainable, verifiable and trustworthy cryptocurrency trading platform. Hybrid platforms take advantage of both centralized and decentralized systems to get the best functionality from both. Any transfer of value is done on the blockchain using the exchange's smart contract and dedicated user wallets, giving users full control of their funds and ensuring secure asset management. It features spot trading with a functional and sufficiently liquid order book and an instant DEX aggregator & Atomic Swap functionality (automated, self-executing cryptocurrency swap contracts that allow you to trade cryptocurrencies peer-to-peer without the need for a trusted third party), with high staking returns of up to 120% APY.