Robust Token

Robust Token

Robust Token RBT Rank #2075

All about Robust Token (RBT) Token - What is it, price and benefits

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Robust Token (RBT) is an original concept token on Binance Smart Chain with a limited supply of 100,000 RBT and 1% consumption per transaction that converts to Robust Reward (RBW). RBW represents the gatekeeper's participation in the robust protocol ecosystem. It will be used for the governance of the entire ecosystem and to confer voting rights to its holders. It is also worth noting that not all of the 100,000 RBT tokens were put into circulation on the first day. 50%, or 50,000 RBT tokens, was transferred to RBT Reserve under a 15-day fixed-term contract. The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystem is awash with thousands of tokens with a total supply of quadrillions and numerous zeros. by contrast, the RBT tokenomics is designed with extremely limited supply, a rigid deflation mechanism, a loyalty reward system, and a strong roadmap for future developments. Techrate verifies the RBT and integrates it into the Trust Wallet app.