

QiDao QI Rank #3378


How to buy QiDao (QI) Token - What is it, price and reliability

QiDao Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
QuickSwap GAME/WETH -
Beethoven X USDC/BOO -
Algebra RBC/WMATIC -
Balancer (V2) (Polygon) USDC/JRT -
QiDao is a community-governed, self-sustaining protocol that allows you to borrow interest-free stablecoins against your crypto assets used as collateral. Loans are paid and repaid in miTokens (USD-pegged soft stablecoin). MiTokens are created when a user locks tokens in a vault as collateral. For example, if a user locks Matic tokens, they can mint miMatic. Users can then use dollar-pegged miMatic soft tokens while maintaining ownership of the locked Matic tokens.