

PlaceWar PLACE Rank #4280

How to buy PlaceWar (PLACE) Token. What is it, price and risks

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What is PlaceWar (PLACE)?PlaceWar is a play-to-ear strategic social gaming universe spread across multiple networks with highly immersive artillery gameplay that encourages players to create and define perspectives of the game world through construction, battles and alliances. , PlaceWar creates a fun and open metaverse of Internet culture and puts users in control. You are guaranteed a gaming experience that you have never seen before in any other Play-To-Earn game. We integrate battle and creation and make sure there is an incentive mechanism to support both. The PlaceWar PlaceWar game consists of two systems: the Battle system and the Pixel system. Players can quickly start battles in the battle system modes: PVE SkirmishPVP Battlefront10 vs 10 Guild Wars After winning a match, the player received token rewards, NFT rewards, and non-NFT rewards. The Pixel system is the ground system of PlaceWar. The Pixel system has a map of a canvas world called Placedonia that is divided into 90,000 pixel lands that players can own as NFTs. Each pixel is a piece of land where players can park their tanks, collect randomly generated resources, build buildings, or even choose a color to represent their pixels in Placedonia. Placedonia allows players to invade other pixels by challenging their defense robots in a tank battle. Successful invaders will loot all unharvested resources and can forcibly change the color that represents it. Through invasion, players can create their own paintings and transform them into visual territories. Such a mechanism can bring the in-game guild idea to PlaceWar, which increases the social bonds between players. There are mainly 4 ways to earn money in PlaceWar: 1. Play to win: Win battles in PVE and PVP to earn rewards2. Plan to Win: Bet yourself in a guild war and win the game to win 3. Collect to Win: Become a pixel owner and collect resources to win 4. Create to Earn: The first 100 achievement points eligible for be voted to win a Season Creators Award. Full game details on PlaceWar Medium. Who is the team behind PlaceWar? PlaceWar was co-founded by Myrtle Anne Ramos. She is also the founder of an award-winning marketing and PR company, Blockchain Block Tides. She is an official influencer for Coinmarketcap, KOL Partner and Operations at MetaGaming Guild, and VP of GokuMarket. Myrtle is also one of the pioneers in organizing Play-to-earn game scholarship programs, her scholarship program with her partners and various Play-to-earn games is one of the largest in Southeast Asia . The PlaceWar project brings together prominent and experienced members in the game development industry and blockchain technology. The main game developers come from Mega Game Studio, a leading mobile game studio in the Philippines and Taiwan. With over 10 years of gaming and development experience on the team, Mega has had a successful track record and is capable of handling everything from product creation to marketing and monetization. What makes PlaceWar unique? PlaceWar has core gameplay consisting of artillery fire, allowing for user-generated content (Pixel Canvas World) that connects crafting incentives to the main battle system. PlaceWar's Pixel is scarce to create a painting, which means that players must fight each other to control the colors of the pixels that will be created. This would increase the interaction between the players, not only with the incentive mechanism of the game. This would generate actual in-game currency spending and revenue, rather than traffic induced by platform incentives to win. The PlaceWar game offers players from developed and developing countries an incentive to participate. People from developed countries may just want to conquer their territory on the map, so they need the help of other players to join forces with them, which may be P2E players from developing countries. Rich players pay, P2E players work.