Pegazus finance

Learn how to buy Pegazus finance (PEG) Token - Project explained, price and risks

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Pegazus is a charity oriented token, there have been a lot of RFI type projects lately, but none of them had any real utility that would make the project worthwhile in the long run. Our solution is to create a token that not only charges a 6% burn fee and a 1% redistribution fee, but also exchanges 1% tokens of each transaction to BNB and sends it to the Pegazus donation wallet and then send your donation wallet to Binance. charity. PEGazus shares this point of view. As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity and versatility, it is becoming a tool that allows us to approach traditional problems from a new perspective. Using this token as our point of view, PEGazus is implementing innovative yet realistic options that will allow us to improve as many lives as possible. While there are various charity tokens based on specific humanitarian issues, PEGazus focuses on the big picture.