All about PEAKDEFI (PEAK) Token. Explanation, price and risks

PEAKDEFI Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
Uniswap (V2) GAME/WETH -
PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
ProBit Global LTC/USDT -
PancakeSwap DOGE/BUSD -
BakerySwap TCT/BUSD -
SushiSwap MIM/WETH -
Bibox XEM/USDT -
PEAK Tech was launched on 05/09/2019 by an international team based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Their goal is to create a DeFi ecosystem and educate their community. The PEAK Token is the utility token of this ecosystem that is made up of 3 pillars: PEAKDEFI Fund: The PEAKDEFI Fund is a decentralized, permissionless wealth management fund created to connect investors and wealth managers for capital growth. This protocol has been verified by Quantstamp and will be released in November 2020. PEAKDEFI Wallet App: The PEAKDEFI Wallet App was released in August 2020 for iOS and Android at This wallet is a complete solution to take control of your decentralized finances. Native application in the portfolio of DeFi solutions for everyone. Users can create and import an Ethereum wallet. There is also a built-in DEX (decentralized exchange). It is not custody: only users have access to their keys. MarketPeak – MarketPeak is the software and educational platform that focuses on non-cryptocurrency power users to help them better understand cryptocurrency and DeFi.