Panda Coin

Panda Coin

Panda Coin PANDA Rank #6419


How to invest in Panda Coin (PANDA) Token. What is it, price and yields

Panda Coin Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
CoinTiger TRX/BITCNY -
Raydium KIN/RAY -
Panda Coin ($PANDA) is Solana's memecoin, which aims to be community owned and fun. It was inspired by Dogecoin, Samoyedcoin, and aims to help grow Solana's ecosystem by appealing beyond its core, which is mostly made up of high-tech coins. It has all the advantages of the Solana blockchain (high scalability, high speed, low fees) and is a fun cryptocurrency to trade. Also, our team does not stop there, we will grow the PANDA community even bigger by developing NFTs and smart staking contracts and providing liquidity to AMM.