OwlDAO OWL Rank #3505

All About OwlDAO (OWL) Token - Project Explained, Price and Risks

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PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
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The $OWL token is the #SafeMoon type of the OwlDAO governance token and is available from Polygon and BSC Networks. OwlDAO aims to allocate the world's leading DAO-led treasury, collaborate with major protocols, and build the future of crypto gaming. OwlDAO is compatible with Owl.Games, one of the leading casino solutions on the Ethereum networks. OwlDAO is benefiting Owl.Games with constant partnerships and expansions providing a growing community and as a result, increased casino revenue. Owl.Games has promised a recurring contribution of 30% of profits to the OWLDAO monthly treasury to build the OwDlAO ecosystem. These funds are used to fund Owl Pools and reward token holders and support the OwlDAO ecosystem. In addition, being a type of #SafeMoon token, it has a TX commission of 10%, where 3% is distributed among the token holders (the balance increases automatically) and the remaining 7% is used for self-liquidity, providing benefits in this additional. for ecosystem growth.