ORE Token

How to buy ORE Token (ORE) Token. What is it, price and yields

ORE Token Exchanges

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PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
The ORE system is based on a BEP20 managed and upgradable Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token contract and a BEP1155 Binance Smart Chain (BSC) NFT contract. These smart contracts are developed, managed and maintained by the ORE system management group and development team. This long-term contract and project support ensures that NFTs, games, and tokens will live long into the future. ORE is a key element in many games, from MMORPGs to Survival Games; it represents not just a particular group of resources, but in the abstract, ORE represents all the resources that the player has to access and manage. Developers can use the ORE system as a basic BSC integration for their next AAA game.