

omChain OMC Rank #1629


Learn to invest in omChain (OMC) Token - What is it, price and staking

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What is Omlira? Omlira is a hybrid crypto asset that is the base currency of omChain and the ERC20 token on the Ethereum network and the BEP20 token on Binance Smart Chain. How is Omlira used? What is omChain? Omlira is used to pay transaction fees on omChain, a public blockchain that runs on a proof-of-authority consensus mechanism called IBFT2. omChain is EVM compatible and has a 50M block gas limit with a 2 second block interval. This enables omChain to have the following capabilities: Fast transaction processing Reliable for business Multiple smart contract interactions per second Interactions with omChain are done with Omlira like any other base coin. How many Omliras are in circulation? The total supply of Omlira is 495 million and only 105 million tokens have been sold and/or distributed in airdrops. 100 million tokens have been locked in a smart contract until 2024 shared by teams and founders, 20 million tokens have been set aside for company use, and approximately 270 million tokens will be used for staking prizes and airdrop campaigns, starting of early 2022. Who Open Money was founded in October 2020 and is located in the IT valley of Turkey, providing blockchain solutions and hybrid multi-chain assets as well as a blockchain bridge. Open Money aims to solve real life problems using blockchain and turning auditing into production. Open Money's vision and products are not limited to De-Fi solutions only, but are primarily focused on manufacturing, inventory and logistics management, as well as building trust between individuals and businesses. Where can I buy Omlira? You can buy Omlira on Bitget Exchange with USDT or Uniswap at ETH-OML parity or PancakeSwap at BNB-OML parity. When can I use omChain? OmChain Jupiter Testnet is currently active and you can test the network by requesting test tokens from / You can also trade your Omlira ERC20 - BEP20 tokens with Omlira on omChain as the native currency of our omLink token bridge. What is Omlink?OmLink is the token bridge that allows users to connect to OML from the ETH-BSC and omChain networks. Go to to link your Omlira to ZERO commissions.