OASISBloc OSB Rank #6862


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OASISBloc, a data exchange platform between different companies and sectors, was launched by the Singapore-based OASISBloc Foundation in October 2018. The mainnet platform was completed in August 2019 after successfully developing MVP and test-net . In October 2020, OASISBloc published the latest version of the whitepaper (v.0.7.1) and the company roadmap on the website. One of the key features of OASISBloc is its interchain, which connects the domain chain of each sector. The interconnection of user accounts, the history of data transactions and the history of the chain of domains interconnected to the OASISBloc are registered and managed through the OASISBloc, which transforms the data generated by each user into standardized and valuable data. With these features, OASISBloc participants will be able to exchange actionable data for mutual benefit. Another key feature of OASISBloc is its self-developed ePoA (Proof of Fair Authority) and this consensus algorithm has been designed to complement PoA weaknesses where some parties may have too much authority. Regarding block generation, OASISBloc has a witness group composed of 39 block generator candidates and this witness group is divided into three levels, each of which randomly selects the final block generator. Block generators generate and validate blocks for fast and accurate registration in the block every time a data exchange transaction occurs, exchanging value between domain chains. OASISBloc's consensus algorithm, ePoA, keeps the block generation process and history transparent, allowing anyone to experience transaction irreversibility and block validation.