
How to buy NFTTONE (TONE) Token. What is it, price and yields

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Music-related assets in the world of cryptocurrencies represent an untapped market with huge potential. The music industry needs innovation and easier ways for musicians to control both their intellectual property and profits. This will allow them to discover new (and old) talent in a decentralized market that will help them earn money and fulfill their dreams, both at an earlier stage. To date, the music industry operates from top to bottom. Our goal is to do it "from below". According to statistics, music artists only earn around 12% of the revenue generated in the industry. The fact is that 90% of the revenue is split between the top 1% of music artists that we consider uncredited and unfair. NFT TONE will be a decentralized, social marketplace where music artists can interact with their fans in revolutionary ways. With NFT TONE, content creators can efficiently and effectively upload their music and get paid directly by their fans and followers. Key Features: Easy NFT creations that are sold or auctioned off to backers and investors. Origin and authenticity guaranteed. Secure transactions between artists and fans/investors. Collaborate with decentralized storage providers to maintain efficient, high-quality delivery of uploaded content. Extraordinarily efficient token economy powered by the NFT TONE platform token ($TONE) along with stablecoins and FIAT.Rewards holders of ($TONE) & also artists for all transactions (fees) on the platform. revolutionary market.