
How to buy NarakaToken (NT) Token. What is it, price and staking

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Naraka Token has a single vision, which is to create a reward-based game with its own ecosystem that will one day reign and thrive in the cryptocurrency gaming genre. Naraka Token plans to create a game based on MMORPG and VR concepts to become one of the best cryptocurrencies to play Naraka has the sole mission to become a famous token in the gaming metaverse category. Naraka was launched on November 21, 2021. The Naraka token is transparent to its community. The Naraka utility focuses on game development NTFs related to the game metaverse and the application that shows the reflection of the token. Naraka burned through a supply at launch and the contract will not be waived just for the sales reason that the developer wants to change the tax structure once the game officially launches in the next few months.