MuesliSwap MILK

MuesliSwap MILK

MuesliSwap MILK MILK Rank #4968

How to buy MuesliSwap MILK (MILK) Token - Explanation, price and staking

MuesliSwap MILK Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
Minswap ADA/PAVIA -
SundaeSwap CLAP/ADA -
On November 26, 2021, MuesliSwap successfully launched a decentralized exchange on the Cardano mainnet, becoming the first of many competitors to enter this new era of DeFi on Cardano. With MuesliSwap, a new approach to modeling and implementing a DEX on Cardano is proposed by revisiting the traditional order book model. The swap protocol is based on game theory concepts and stands apart from alternatives in simplicity, modularity, self-regulation, and complete decentralization, thus paving the way for MuesliSwap to become the first DEX operational on Cardano. For technical details, we refer to the scientific white paper that describes the results of MuesliSwap's rigorous research. The MuesliSwap team's approach to token trading differs from popular approaches to trading, considering the Cardano transaction model. The EUTxO model of the Cardano blockchain allows the order book model to be used as a decentralized exchange, unlike the AMM model used in other blockchains. MuesliSwap will support limit orders, giving you full control over your investments. Furthermore, the innovative protocol offers fast transaction payouts along with low fees and protects against early execution. Overall, MuesliSwap aims to enrich the Cardano Defi ecosystem with a range of new trading features, not just limiting itself to token trading, but also an NFT marketplace and a decentralized Token Launchpad. The MILK token is the utility token that powers the Cardano MuesliSwap ecosystem. It has many useful benefits, available for pre-sale until a few days after launch.