Monsters Clan

Monsters Clan

Monsters Clan MONS Rank #3436

How to buy Monsters Clan (MONS) Token - Explanation, price and risks

Monsters Clan Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy BTC/USDT -
PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
BitMart DGB/BTC -
Monsters Clan is the first user-controlled, blockchain-based third-person NFT game, allowing players to own, collect, spawn, train, and play with their own monsters in battles to win and win. The goal behind Monsters Clan is to introduce a gaming concept using Blockchain technology and create a player platform where players can unleash their monsters to fight, win and win. Monsters Clan also offers the NFT rental feature for players and investors to rent their gaming NFTs to players and generate passive income. This NFT action game is about to change the entire gaming landscape because Monsters Clan is based on Blockchain. Things will get very adventurous as monsters compete with each other on the battlefield for their pride and glory. Monsters Clan gives players the freedom to fight or trade their monsters according to their game strategy. Monsters Clan is powered by Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. $MONS will be used to buy, sell, or rent NFTs from Monsters Clan games on their NFT marketplace.