

Mechashiba MEC Rank #-


Learn how to buy Mechashiba (MEC) Token - What it is, price and yields

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MechaShiba, kind of a game against nft/gamification in this current market. That's why this is a possible moon launch and it has huge potential. Disclaimer: DYORMechashiba also plans to conquer this ultimate space with clean code tokens, pumpamentals, memability, burn, and gamification. The community and team are super busy, with that market cap having 4+ admins/modders answering all the questions! They literally listened to all the members and improvised in every way. Community and team build. Very engaging with active interaction. We literally listen to all the members and improvise in every way. total supply: 100,000,000,000,000 burned: 37,000,000,000,00010% Tax applied to each transaction: 5% for redistribution, 5% for cash generation Supply currently outstanding no more than 60% Join before listing on cg & amp; cmq, excellent opportunity. We currently have 880 owners We are on PancakeSwap v2 (Slipage 10%) Contract: 0xc2d56d2d136f16ed1c3e219339b272feddf2a376Release property & amp; all liquidity burned on the first day