Matrix AI Network

Matrix AI Network

Matrix AI Network MAN Rank #1313

How to buy Matrix AI Network (MAN) Token. What is it, price and benefits

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Founded in 2016, MATRIX AI Network (MAN) is an open source distributed computing platform and operating system that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain. The project aims to improve the speed, flexibility, security, and "intelligence" of blockchains. It is supposedly capable of supporting 50,000 transactions per second and uses a Hybrid PoS + PoW consensus mechanism. The consensus mechanism makes use of value added calculation by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) calculations. MATRIX Intelligent Contracts uses natural language programming and adaptive models based on deep learning for machine coding. MAN tokens are mined and used to power real-world applications. The project reportedly teamed up with the Beijing Cancer Research Hospital to improve the speed and accuracy of a cancer diagnosis.