Lunar Highway

Invest in Lunar Highway (LUNAR) Token - Project Explained, Price and Reliability

Lunar Highway Exchanges

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PancakeSwap DOGE/BUSD -
LunarHighway works by taking a 10% commission on every transaction. This commission is divided into 2 parts. Reflection: 50% of the commission (5% of the transaction) is distributed to each portfolio owned by LunarHighway in the form of a percentage. The more LunarHighway you have, the more you will receive! LP generation: 25% of the commission (2.5% of the transaction) collected on LunarHighway is sold to BNB. That BNB is married to the remaining 25% of LunarHighway and deposited back into the PancakeSwap cash fund. These two functions work together to reward keepers and punish whales.