Liti Capital

Buying Guide Liti Capital (WLITI) Token - What is it, price and yields

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What is Liti Capital SA and its wLITI token? wLITI is an ERC-20 token that is the encapsulated version of the Swiss equity token, the LITI token. Launched on June 29, 2021, the wLITI token is suitable for trading on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, while the LITI token is only available through and requires KYC. Liti Capital uses blockchain to manage its stock registry, and developing its own blockchain case management tools is on its roadmap. Switzerland-based Liti Capital creates the wLITI at the request of a LITI token buyer through its app on its website, which converts the LITI into a wLITI. The buyer can then freely exchange the wLITI. Liti Capital does not sell wLITI directly. The wLITI is wrapped in a 5000:1 ratio and the two tokens will always maintain this ratio. LITI is a true digital share of Liti Capital that is entitled to vote, pays dividends and is protected by Swiss law. The LITI is not specially designed to be in the stock market right now. Both tokens represent Liti Capital, whose mantra is "private capital for all". Liti Capital operates exclusively in a single form of private capital: Litigation Finance, also called third-party financing. This asset class has remained almost entirely exclusive to hedge funds and venture capitalists since its inception several decades ago. Litigation financing is the practice of financing all or part of a lawsuit on behalf of a plaintiff for an agreed-upon percentage of the court award. Once Liti Capital has purchased a piece of ownership of a case, it provides capital that can be used in many ways: legal fees, case management and strategy, expert witnesses, intelligence work, and whatever it takes to give the plaintiff the best chance to win the case and collect the prize. The stake owned by Liti Capital becomes a "litigation asset" in support of the LITI token. What makes wLITI from Liti Capital unique? By wrapping its LITI token, Liti Capital has provided retail DEX traders with a utility token that is an encapsulated version of an asset-backed equity token. At any time, a wLITI token holder can discard 5000 wLITI and exchange them for 1 LITI token with KYC instead. WLITI token holders can participate in bounties and participate in class action against cryptocurrencies, scams, and rug thefts, as explained on Liti Capital Tokenomics. Liti Capital offers a new way to engage retail traders in this asset class by tokenizing their capital. Liti Capital is lowering the barrier to entry for a much larger pool of potential investors. In terms of investment appeal, litigation finance has some of the highest returns of any asset class and is one of the most reliably stable, operating independently of any capital markets, interest rate fluctuations and economic conditions. Under financial litigation laws and matters, financial litigation funds report returns between 50% and 100% on average at the portfolio level. It is also a strong counterweight to the litigation buying power of wealthy defendants, helping to ensure ethical justice. Who are the founders of Liti Capital? The original idea for Liti Capital came from its three co-founders, Jonas Rey, Andy Christen and Jaime Delgado. Jonas is the owner of Athena Intelligence, a renowned Swiss intelligence agency with global reach in identifying the resources needed for successful litigation recovery. Andy is a data scientist and innovation entrepreneur who has co-founded several startups running on the blockchain. Jaime is a well-known blockchain expert and developer of ETH, as well as CTO of other startups. The founders brought in David Kay as chief investment officer. David had previously built a billion dollar fund solely for litigation funding and won the largest litigation award at the time of over $1 billion.