

linSpirit LINSPIRIT Rank #6665


How to buy linSpirit (LINSPIRIT) Token. Project explained, price and benefits

linSpirit Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
SpiritSwap WFTM/MIM -
Solidly MIM/USDC -
Beethoven X USDC/BOO -
OpenOcean MIM/USDC -
LiquidSpirit is a wrapped version of inSPIRIT. It is designed to unlock the incumbent's position by opening up a whole new market for linSPIRIT, while also being able to enjoy inSPIRIT's volume-based weekly rates. Users can then exchange their SPIRIT for linSPIRIT in a 1:1 ratio using our LiquidSwapper. To exchange their linSPIRIT with SPIRIT, users will need to use a DEX, such as SpiritSwap.