Kusunoki Samurai

Kusunoki Samurai

Kusunoki Samurai KUSUNOKI Rank #4306


How to invest in Kusunoki Samurai (KUSUNOKI) Token - Explanation, price and risks

Kusunoki Samurai Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
Uniswap (V2) GAME/WETH -
CoinTiger TRX/BITCNY -
Hotbit PPC/USDT -
Kusunoki Samurai is a fully immersive blockchain-based gaming experience. Once launched, it intends to include NFT in its system. This would fully immerse players in the cryptocurrency space, allowing them to hold and trade our Kusunoki token while enjoying the game. The NFT for the Kusunoki token would include armor sets for the main character, along with a wide range of katanas, wakizashi, and swords, which our designers are currently basing on actual Japanese katana designs. Once acquired through extended play, this will give players the skills to progress to higher and more difficult levels. These NFTs can also be sold or traded. The Kunosoki Token will also be another form of reward during level progression, allowing players to exchange them if they wish. Kusunoki Samurai is intended to be an RPG or Online RPG. Players will fight against other characters, such as rival samurai or monsters, to complete Kusunoki's quests. It will immerse players in the game but more importantly it will open up a whole new category in the NFT market.