Kush Finance

Kush Finance

Kush Finance KSEED Rank #2436

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Kush Finance describes itself as a decentralized finance (DeFi) governance token abbreviated as kSeed (kush.SEED) that allows its holders to stake their kSEED to obtain Kush Finance's secondary token known as kKUSH (kush.KUSH) . Kush.Finance voting contracts are built with modularity in mind. Each contract can be updated, replaced and reconnected. Voters will only have to vote for an offer that ties the contract to the rest of the ecosystem. Created this way, Kush.Finance can be continually updated by its community without the need for a central developer. Voters can also vote for a transfer that pays a third-party auditor to review any code in the ecosystem. The DApp can be accessed at https://kush.finance