

Hydraledger HYD Rank #8464

Ultimate Guide to Investing in Hydraledger (HYD) Token - Explanation, Quote and Risks

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Hydraledger (HYD) is a permissionless decentralized cross-chain infrastructure for self-sovereign identity. With the use of SSI (autonomous identity), people, organizations and things are given the ability to manage their digital identity for themselves, control it and determine which personal attributes must be transmitted during an authentication process. . The base is made up of DIDs (decentralized identifiers), which are created by the SSI owners themselves and therefore, after certification by an issuer (for example, the postal service), can be used referenced and as verifiable proof , so-called VC (verified credentials). Stored in some kind of electronic wallet (ID wallet), DIDs and credentials can be used as IDs or certificates in the analog world to securely transmit verifiable data from one point to another. Hydraledger is open source and aims to follow international standards. provided by organizations such as the W3C to ensure maximum interoperability and to allow developers to more easily create their own software based on the Hydraledger stack.