Innovative Bioresearch Coin

Innovative Bioresearch Coin

Innovative Bioresearch Coin INNBC Rank #2549

Tutorial Innovative Bioresearch Coin (INNBC) Token - What it is, price and staking

Innovative Bioresearch Coin Exchanges

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Crex24 FTC/BTC -
Finexbox FTC/BTC -
Mercatox DOPE/BTC -
Innovative Bioresearch Ltd is a privately held biotech company founded by Italian research scientist Jonathan Fior with the goal of bringing innovation to the field of HIV, cancer and regeneration research. The INNBC token was issued to support their biomedical research and to be used as a means of payment to access their medical products and services. As such, INNBC is the first token to decentralize biomedical research, from the funding aspect of the research, to data sharing, using blockchain technology to decentralize biomedical data. For achieving this goal, they developed a novel DApp that does allow to reconrd text, images, even audio and video on the blockchain.