Learn to invest in HTMLCOIN (HTML) Token - What is it, price and staking

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HTMLCOIN is the basic currency and the gas that powers the Althash hybrid blockchain. The HTMLCOIN environment describes itself as a decentralized proof-of-work/proof-of-stake hybrid blockchain with fast and secure transactions. Although it uses the hash function and basic layer of Bitcoin to create a secure blockchain and irreversible address mapping, it integrates Ethereum EVM, also known as HVM, to run multiple Dapps/programs as a decentralized, fail-safe computing system. and safe all over the world, which also makes it possible to create smart contracts based on Ethereum. The Althash Blockchain allows you to effectively build ecosystems on your platform and power them through HTMLCOIN, which means Althash / HTMLCOIN can have its own ecosystem of various HRC20 (ERC20) tokens simple fungible tokens, HRC721 (ERC721 ), used for example with NFTs, to complex dedicated programs that allow new adjustable tokens to be minted, to be instantly launched on the mainnet based on specific needs. The HTMLCOIN development team notes that a normal transaction (Tx) costs HTMLCOIN 0.004 in relay fees. In short, an ERC20-based standalone project can be implemented on the Althash blockchain using the same ABI and subject code as Ethereum, offering an alternative with less expensive gas fees. To protect your network, HTMLCOIN uses a Double SHA-256 algorithm, which makes it much harder to break than SHA-256. For example, partial attacks (decreased resistance to brute force) could increase in frequency over the next few decades. In this case, SHA256 would become somewhat vulnerable while Double SHA256 would not. The network has 51% control points for attacks in real time. It employs an external set of parties that securely manage a support service that guarantees ledger properties and can be relied upon at times when invested hash power is low. The Althash blockchain implements an extensible design that can add multiple virtual machines (VMs) if a project requires it. Miners and participants earn rewards through the desktop wallet, while a lightweight, mobile-ready Althash wallet is also available. Blockchain-based Althash developments from Althash and affiliated projects, such as CodeX, currently offer not only BaaS (Blockchain as a Service), but also compatible applications such as Cody (@CodexWalletBot). Cody is a wallet that offers the ability to tip, airdrop, send or receive various global or room-specific tokens within the telegram messenger on mobile devices or standalone PC operating systems and project-based pools. Althash. The provision of Cody's private key can be used by all other Althash wallet implementations to achieve maximum security, even in distributed ecosystems at the implementation level, synergizing the efforts and solutions of these groups in an efficient ecosystem of cooperation. solid that leads to effective results. HTMLCOIN was founded by Amando Boncales, PhD (c), who saw blockchain science as an opportunity to create disruptive technologies that could help everyone break free from a centralized system/economy. It was conceptualized in early 2013 and released on March 8, 2014, based on the Bitcoin Core algorithm under the name of HTML and then HTML5 in 2015. A new algorithm was implemented for the coin in 2017 and one was released in November. exchange from the same year that the HTMLCOIN name was chosen for rebranding. Enabled through an account abstraction layer, the updated HTMLCOIN environment allowed an account-based VM to run on a Bitcoin UTXO-based blockchain, spending with attributes similar to QTUM and Ark. Furthermore, Althash University is currently running a certificate program, which provides online courses related to Blockchain technologies and software development, preparing future professionals to meet the upcoming challenges that the crypto space will face in the next decade. .