HODL Guide (HODL) Token - What is it, price and staking

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PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
HODL is the biggest word in crypto, a mantra for "Hold On For Dear Life". However, the new cryptocurrency seeks to avoid much of the volatility of cryptocurrencies by adding anti-whale mechanisms and deflationary coin-burning processes to its framework. Coin seeks to simplify yield farming by creating a digital asset that appreciates without trading or trading. They are looking to add gaming and betting apps to the platform, as well as an NFT launch tool. The HODL ecosystem claims to be a user-centric cryptocurrency protocol aimed at creating great wealth for investors. HODL is a community-driven DeFi project based on the Binance Smart Chain. HODL works on a self-contained protocol of frictionless yield farming and liquidity generation. Just keep $HODL tokens in your wallet and you'll get more. In addition to this, you will also get daily rewards in $BNB.HODL is scheduled to reward holders. It does this by applying a 10% transaction tax: 6% goes to the BNB Reward Pool, 2% goes to cash, 1% to Marketing, and 1% is distributed to holders as a reflection. The burn direction currently has 25% of the total supply. This address also participates in the protocol, accumulates more tokens, thus effectively removing them from circulation. There is no limit to the burn, the black hole will continue to grow, increasing the shortage of HODL. You can view the HODL roadmap here.