GMT Token

GMT Token

GMT Token GMT Rank #419

Learn to invest in GMT Token (GMT) Token - What is it, price and staking

GMT Token Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
Bittrex BTC/USD -
Uniswap (V3) MIM/USDC -
PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
SushiSwap MIM/WETH -
Bibox XEM/USDT -
Crex24 FTC/BTC -
BitGlobal LTC/USDT -
A token backed by real assets that generates ever-growing daily BTC income for its owner. Each GMT supports real computing power (TH/s) via the SHA-256 protocol. Tokens issued through a smart contract from the Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain platforms. The initial issuance was 100,000,000 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain platform, backed by 100,000 TH/s. 1 GMT = 0.001TH/sec. According to the development strategy, the team will constantly introduce additional capabilities and make additional GMT token issuances. Our main goal is to increase the number of tokens in circulation up to 10,000,000,000 GMT. After each additional issuance, the team activates the mechanism of burning from 20 to 100% of new tokens, which leads to an increase in GMT profitability. After burning, the released computing power is redistributed among all GMTs in circulation, increasing the computing power provided by the tokens. Therefore, the mining rent increases. The supply capacity for 1 GMT will grow steadily, followed by an increase in the income of token holders. The whole process could become more profitable than traditional mining. Therefore, a constant fundamental growth of the token means that a constant increase in its price is already built into its core. The GMT token is: - A quick start to investing in BTC mining. - The ability to exit quickly and secure profits through the sale of tokens. - Double return for investment protection.