Goes Up Higher

Goes Up Higher

Goes Up Higher GUH Rank #-


Complete guide on Goes Up Higher (GUH) Token. Project explained, quote and reliability

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GUH (Goes Up Higher) is an elastic bid token that is mathematically guaranteed to go up in price until it exceeds the price of bitcoin. GUH will expand or contract its pending offer depending on where it trades relative to its anchor price through the rebase. For 360 epochs, the fixed GUH price will increase by 5% every 4 hours, starting with a starting price of $0.001. Once the bitcoin price is exceeded, the peg will be the current bitcoin market price + 1%. The rebase mechanism periodically regulates the supply of tokens in circulation. The protocol is designed to change the provision of tokens without the holders having to do anything. In the event that we find a negative rebase, the value of the coin will increase to match the stated price. In this case, the protocol will reduce the number of circulating tokens to match. Pre-orders have not been released, fair/stealth, and the developers have been misled. We have been examined by solidity.finance and techrate. All of the initial $150,000 in cash has been burned and is permanently stuck at the burned address. Contracts have been waived and the token contract is behind a 24-hour time block. Balances in most scanners (eg bscscan.com) are only updated when tokens are transferred. We are verified on bscscan and we are on trustwallet