
How to buy Ginoa (GINOA) Token. Explanation, price and yields

Ginoa Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy
PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
Bitget XEM/USDT -
Ginoa is a first and only NFT expert in the world. Ginoa identifies NFTs and gives them a fair price. Ginoa provides fair price information about products by scanning the market with Amazon artificial intelligence infrastructure. Thanks to the fair price information, the buyer or seller learns the current value of the related crypto assets (NFTs). Artificial intelligence works 'fully synchronized' with main network, identifies the most liquid products, eliminates the risk of scams, unsuccessful projects and counterfeit products with low volume and few users. Ginoa provides NFT expertise service to the user for free. Ginoa is not a market place, it is only an expert on NFT, gives a fair price and directs it to the market where the relevant product is traded.