
Tutorial DuckDuck (DUCK) Token - What is it, price and reliability

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What is DuckDuck (Duck)? Duck is a collective of individuals on Zilliqa. Duck is a community utility token used to: Participate in Adhoc Duck Events Participate in the next NFD block to produce FeathersDuck has created a set of internal tools including: LP Bounty Script Merkel Root Generator NFT API Chain Indexer How Many Duck Tokens Are There? Is there 420.69 duck tokens? Who are the founders of the NEAR protocol? Neeko (JS) and Buckaroo (Art) The collective met on a Discord server and immediately started working on their first project, Non-fungible Ducks. The team expanded as the mission grew, Hatzz (JS), Greeny (comms), Soluxos (design) and Prodpeak (data) What are the plans for DUCK? Create Feather DeFi on Zilliqa Create a non-fungible market Add value for current investors Where can I buy DUCK? You can buy Duck from Zilswap