

DigitalNote XDN Rank #1768

How to buy DigitalNote (XDN) Token - Project explained, price and staking

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DigitalNote describes itself as a decentralized Proof-of-Work (bmw512) / Proof-of-Stake (echo512) hybrid blockchain with fast, untraceable transactions and encrypted messaging functionality. The network is reportedly resistant to 51% of attacks through its VRX v3.0 technology and is mobile-ready with light wallet functionality. A network of masternodes reportedly improves untraceability and provides incentives for users to secure the network, allowing for fast private transactions and P2P messages that are difficult to trace or censor. Miners and participants are encouraged to participate by paying network fees, which facilitates consistent block generation and a fast network. DigitalNote was originally released as "duckNote" by an anonymous individual or group of individuals alias "dNote" in 2014. More advances have been added to the protocol over the years, with each major update changing the name of the protocol (first "DarkNote" and finally "DigitalNote"). Like "Satoshi Nakamoto" of Bitcoin, the original founders disappeared in 2017, leaving the open source code to be updated by a community team that has continued its development ever since.