

DEAPcoin DEP Rank #271

Invest in DEAPcoin (DEP) Token - What is it, price and staking

DEAPcoin Exchanges

Exchange Market Pairs Buy BTC/USDT -
Bittrex BTC/USD -
Indodax LTC/IDR -
Pangolin MIM/WAVAX -
Uniswap (V3) MIM/USDC -
PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
SpookySwap WFTM/MIM -
BitMart DGB/BTC -
ApeSwap (BSC) ETC/WBNB -
KnightSwap DEP/WBNB -
Dark Knight DEP/WFTM -
Hakuswap MIM/WAVAX -
Bitbns DGB/INR -
Hotcoin Global REP/USDT -
Jetswap (BSC) WBNB/DEP -
WaultSwap (BSC) VITE/BTCB -
Hotbit PPC/USDT -
BitGlobal LTC/USDT -
What is DEAPcoin (DEP)? Singapore-based Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd started the DEA project, a blockchain-based DeFi NFT platform with NFTs, games and other forms of entertainment. The primary use of DEAPcoin utility token (ERC-20) is used on the NFT Marketplace by DEP to purchase NFTs (ERC-721) to enhance gameplay within the platform. The platform aims to address an intellectual property/copyright issue for the secondary market transaction of individual works of art. The part of the sales will be eternally rewarded as royalties for the original creators. The company launched the "PlayMining" platform where users can enjoy playing games, reading manga for free, and earning DEP cryptocurrencies. There are currently over 1,000,000 registered users (as of April 2021) and growing exponentially, most users are from Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines and Taiwan. DEAPcoin is the native utility token used to: Buy NFTs on the NFT Marketplace for DEP. Transaction processing fees. Used for DEA DeFi services How many DEAPcoins are there? DEP was launched on August 28, 2018 with 30 billion DEP tokens created in genesis. 20 billion DEP, almost 66% is reserved for ecosystem incentives and will be distributed on its NFT DeFi platform PlayMining to earn rewards from games and DeFi services, such as staking. The maturation of team members is less than 4% Who are the founders of DEAPcoin? DEAPcoin has unique and strong team members. The co-founder is Yoshida Naohito, who has led 3 IPOs in Japan and is a well-known figure in entertainment media companies. Co-CEO, Shigeru Shiina was previously President/CEO of PwC Japan and prior to PwC he was Vice President of KPMG Consulting Japan. The CFO was also previously CFO of PWC Japan. Co-founder and CSO Kozo Yamada also has extensive experience in producing music and variety shows at TV Tokyo Corporation. Yamada founded an entertainment content production company named Tsukuriba, Inc., in 2018. The founders got together and started the project to change the current anime and manga industry, to protect the copyrights and copyrights of manga and anime artists for the secondary market. Using blockchain technology, creators can earn royalties forever as long as NFT operations take place. This project now employs more than 50 employees, including marketing experts from Hakuhodo, Netflix, Yahoo Japan, and financial institutions. According to the official website of Digital Entertainment Asset, many members of the team have awards and nominations from competitions around the world, such as Finalist Representative of the Japan National Team for the 2001 International Mathematical Olympics and Champion of the Debating Union Tournament. of Autumn. the 2015 World Collegiate Debating Championship. Where can I buy DEAPcoin? DEAPcoin is available for trading on a growing number of exchanges, with cryptocurrency pairs and stablecoins currently available. [Gate] (USDT), [Bitpoint], Bittrex Global offers Tether (USDT), while Indodaxl also offers [Indonesian Rupiah], Uniswap offers Ethereum (ETH). New to cryptocurrencies? Read CoinMarketCap's easy guide to buying Bitcoin or any other token.