Cult DAO

Cult DAO

Cult DAO CULT Rank #403


Buying guide Cult DAO (CULT) Token - What is it, price and staking

Cult DAO Exchanges

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CULT is the tradable and liquid token of CULT DAO, which conducts CULT transactions contribute to the protocol by slowly filling the DAO treasury, to fund investments in decentralized technologies. This is achieved thanks to 0.4% collection on all CULT transactions. CULT, once inserted in the Cult DAO, becomes dCULT. dCULT is just the "token proof of stake" for CULT. When you stake your CULT on the DAO, you receive dCULT, which can be exchanged at any time for the amount of CULT you originally staked, plus any rewards given to the DAO in the time period you owned dCULT. Cult DAO and its financing process is completely decentralized. It can't be stopped. As long as there are people transacting with CULT, Guardians making proposals, and users voting, Cult DAO will continue to fund revolutionaries, decentralization advocates, and those who wish to break the shackles of society. A proposal can only be made by the Guardians. These are the 50 best headlines. Guardians cannot vote and therefore cannot be completely corrupted in their decisions. These proposals must meet all or most of these three criteria: ● Combat centralization, ● Promote the cause of decentralization ● Benefit directly from a worthy cause. These proposals can come from anywhere, VC, community members, political, anarchist, socialist, right-wing or left-wing, as long as they meet the previous guide and it is a tutor who presents it, any proposal can be voted by many The proposals made must contain; 1) The total supply of the investee's protocol token 2) the percentage of the total supply offered in exchange for an investment of 13 ETH 3) tokenomics 4) the audit of the token and any contract, if built 5) the burning and distribution plan. The combustion and distribution plan is the consolidation plan of the investee protocol sheet. For this example, we are using a fake ABC DAO protocol. the the accumulation schedule can be daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly, but cannot be accumulated for more than 18 months maximum. Let's say ABC DAO pledges 1.2% of your $ABC token, expiring once a month for 12 months. On the redemption date, instead of sending the token of the investee protocol, as a normal VC-funded protocol would do, the investee instead, the company exchanges 0.1% of its supply (1.2% over 12 months) of $ABC for $ CULT. ABC DAO then sends half of the cult to one burned wallet and the other half to the DAO, which is paid to dCULT holders. CULT serves to rapidly advance the collapse of the old financial system, to end the tyranny of sovereign nations and central banks. The current financial system serves to support the poor, a debt-based society needs inflation to function, and inflation serves to rob the poor and allow them to never catch up with their own lords of the ruling class.