
How to buy CryptoVsZombie (CVZ) Token - What is it, price and staking

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PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
Revolutionary Play-to-Earn/Competi-To-Earn, Crypto Tower Defense at BSC - Seasonal Tournaments to Win Tokens/Rewards The ultimate competitive gaming ecosystem for PvP and C2E tower defense. Our mission is to be the leading Crypto Tower Defense brand in the GameFi space. Gameplay - Play more & Win more We have built our game around offensive and defensive strategies, where players engage in epic battles using crypto defense towers and zombie troops to compete in a unique gaming experience. Tokens and NFT prizes will be awarded to the winners of our seasonal tournament. Our goal is to give all players the opportunity to enjoy the game and win money anytime, anywhere with their mobile device. Low commissions Low transaction and management fees are critical to GameFi's success. BSC has established industry standards and a proven track record in the industry.