Purchasing ChallengeDac (CHL) on the Binance platform
There are several trading platforms on the ’net nowadays, but certainly Binance is among the most popular and innovative.
Learning how to trade with ChallengeDac (CHL) is crucial if you’ would like to get started trading on that platform.
Prior to getting into the exciting realm of cryptocurrency on the Binance platform, you need to know the following.
Understand how to register on Binance
To be capable of buying ChallengeDac (CHL) on Binance, the very first thing you have to know is certainly how to register.
Simply follow each one of the steps listed below.
Search for the "Register" button in the Binance main page and press on it to begin the registration process.
You can log in directly by clicking here.
At this point press the "Register with a phone or email" button.
You can also do this using your iOS tablet.
For the purpose of this guide, the e-mail address registration technique will be shown.
- From the drop-down list of countries, select the one you reside.
- The next step is creating a secure password. This is of vital importance since it’s all about your money’s safety, so you need to create a robust one
- In this step you must accept "Terms of Service" and, if you wish to get information, news and updates from Binance in your e-mail address, click in the corresponding box
Check the inbox of the e-mail address you indicate at sign up and look for the activation code exclusive of your account. Type it in the corresponding line and click on "Send"
Finally, your Binance enrollment is active.
It would be a nice idea to browse the different areas of the Binance platform and become familiar with them.
This way you canit will be possible to begin operating with ChallengeDac (CHL) easily.
Fulfill the mandatory identity checking to enable all these options.
Warning: No ChallengeDac (CHL) trading will be permitted if you omit this security measure.
No big deal, though. Continue reading through the following section to complete that step.
Learn to complete the verification of your account and start trading
See the following instructions and become an authorized end user:
From the user profile menu, click on "Security"
Another alternative is to go to the top of the screen and press the "Verify" button
In the list shown on the left-hand side of the navigator window, press on the "Identification" option.
Country of residence is the first thing you must pick.
It shows you three verification levels: the one you already have, the Verified, and the Verified Plus.
Now you must select "Verified", pressing the "Start now" button below that label.
In this step, the user is required to enter some personal data:
- Nationality.
- First Name and Surname.
- Second name and birth date.
- Residence address (exact).
- Second name and date of birth.
- Second name and date of birth.
The next step is to corroborate your identity with a legal document.
Use your passport, ID card or even your license to complete this step.
Now the platform will ask you to take a selfie under certain conditions.
The last step is on Binance’s side: a verification process that will take only a short time.
Once your profile has been accepted, you will be notified via e-mail, just be patient.
The following instructions will guide you through the ChallengeDac (CHL) buying process. As soon as you’ve received the confirmation email, you’re a Binance authorized ChallengeDac (CHL) trader.
Buying ChallengeDac (CHL) on Binance
OK, account confirmed means you can begin buying ChallengeDac (CHL) immediately.
Learning how to invest your money in ChallengeDac (CHL) is not that hard.
Now you’ll need to use a legal document to verify your identity.
ID card, passport or even a license will be enough to complete this formality.
Follow the system guidelines to take a selfie.
The last step will be carried out by the Binance system: a verification process that will take only a short time.
Once your application has been approved, you will be notified via email, just be patient.
The following instructions will guide you through the ChallengeDac (CHL) purchasing process. As soon as you’ve received the confirmation email, you’re a Binance authorized ChallengeDac (CHL) trader.
Purchasing ChallengeDac (CHL) on Binance
Now that you have subscribed to the Binance platform and have your account confirmed, you are OK to begin trading.
In this section you’ll see how easy is to buy a ChallengeDac (CHL).
Take into account that you could have more than one option for this process
See the "Buy cryptos" menu on the Binance homepage to know which options are available to you when buying.
Certainly, you’ll only be able to do this after you’ve logged in
Hovering your mouse pointer over this option will show a list of alternatives for making the purchase.
Next, you’ll need to use a legal document to verify your identity.
Use your ID card, passport or even your license to complete this step.
Now the system will require you to take a selfie under certain conditions.
After you have completed the platform’s instructions, you’ll have to wait a short time for the confirmation to be applied to your account.
When your request has been approved, the system will let you know via email, just be patient.
The following instructions will guide you through the ChallengeDac (CHL) buying process. As soon as you’ve got the confirmation email, you are a Binance authorized ChallengeDac (CHL) trader.
How to buy ChallengeDac (CHL) on Binance
Now that you are registered on the Binance platform and have your account verified, you can start trading.
Learning how to make a purchase of ChallengeDac (CHL) is actually quite easy.
You may have different options throughout the process
To find out which options can be found when making a purchase, look for the "Buy cryptos" menu on the Binance main page.
Needless to say you must be logged into your account to be able to do this
See all the different purchase options just by hovering your mouse over this button.
Did you know you could use your credit or debit card for buying cryptos?
Go to the "Buy Cryptos" and select the credit card-related option from the menu.
Next, just follow these instructions:
In the next box, pick the currency you’d like to buy with and specify how much you are going to invest.
The the ChallengeDac (CHL) you’d like to purchase should be indicated in the second field
The number of ChallengeDac (CHL) you will be given will depend upon the amount of USD you have previously indicated. The Binance platform will immediately display it.
Read on for detailed guidelines:
Currency to be used and how much you’ll invest must be specified in the next box.
The the ChallengeDac (CHL) you wish to buy must be indicated in the second field
The quantity of ChallengeDac (CHL) you are going to get will depend upon the amount of USD you have previously invested. The Binance system will automatically show it to you.
Now select "Continue".
In case you’re going to pay with your credit card, choose in the "Visa/Mastercard" box the button "Add card".
Credit card data must be indicated in this step, then click "Next".
In this step you must enter the address associated to the credit card. Write it exactly as it is, then press "Add card".
With this, your card will be added to the valid methods of payment in your user profile. Press "Continue".
The system will now show you the details of the order you are creating. The amount you will pay in the currency you have selected, and the ChallengeDac (CHL) you will get.
Another important detail in this quick view is the sum Binance will charge you as a commision for making the operation.
You have 60 seconds to press "Confirm", otherwise the order will automatically expire.
Next, you’ll be sent towards the banking platform the credit card has been issued by. Proceed exactly as you usually do when making a payment using your credit card on the bank website.
Once the banking procedure has been completed, you will have your recently bought ChallengeDac (CHL) in your Binance digital wallet (called the «Spot Wallet»)
Learn how to purchase ChallengeDac (CHL) through Binance P2P
An alternative way to get crypto is to exchange it
with another person. In that case, you should indicate which payment method you want to use first.
Next, all the important details of the operation will be summarized: the sum you’ll pay and the corresponding currency, and of course, the cryptos you are going to get.
Indeed, Binance will take a certain percentage as a commission for making the operation, and that will be shown in that summary as well.
In less than 1 minute press "Confirm", and then the order will expire automatically.
The system will now reroute you to the credit card issuing bank. Follow the guidelines in the same way you would normally make a payment with your credit card.
You can take a look at your Binance e-wallet (called the «Spot Wallet») once the banking process is complete to find your recently bought ChallengeDac (CHL) already credited
Purchase ChallengeDac (CHL) through Binance P2P
You could buy ChallengeDac (CHL) not only via a direct purchase, but trading them «Person To Person»
with another Binance user as well. You should specify the payment method you would want to apply first.
- Login to the "Security" section of your profile.
- Click on "Payment" from the menu on the left.
- Select "Add a Payment Method" and the Binance platform will guide you through the rest of the process.
When the new payment method has been added to your profile, locate the "Buy Crypto" menu on the top bar of the navigator, click the "Trading P2P" button and follow the guidelines described below:
- Click on the "Buy" button on the upper bar of the "P2P Account" tab
- Here you can pick the ChallengeDac (CHL) you’re interested in, among all those available for buying through P2P operations. We present «USDT» for this guide.Note that any ChallengeDac (CHL) bought through P2P trading could be exchanged by any of the currencies available on Binance.
- It is time to choose the currency you want to make the payment with, for instance, «VES». To do this, see the drop-down list under the "Fiat" label.
- In the "Amount" box, enter the sum in VES you wish to invest.
- Select the payment method and wait for the system to show you all of the traders that are currently offering ChallengeDac (CHL).
- Any of the traders displayed in the list can be selected, although it is advisable to choose a verified one (see the blue diamond mark), and even better, a high-volume seller (golden star badge).
- Next select "Buy USDT"
- Enter the amount in VES you would want to pay
- Press "Buy USDT" again
- A buying order has been generated and the trader and you will be able to contact each other for further details, if needed. You have a limited time to pay, if you fail doing so the order will be terminated by the platform (and that’s not good for your reputation as a buyer). Once you have paid, click on "Transferred, Next", then press "Confirm".
How to transfer your ChallengeDac (CHL) to the Spot Wallet
When you have made a payment to the trader, they are going to release the ChallengeDac (CHL), by confirming payment reception.
You may check your wallet Binance balance to confirm reception.
However, in case you want to buy any other ChallengeDac (CHL), you will have to move them to your Spot Wallet.
That’s quite simple: just press "Transfer to Spot Wallet" once the purchase order is completed.
In the event you didn’t follow this step, don’t stress, you can do it at any other time.
How you can transfer your ChallengeDac (CHL) to the Spot Wallet
When you have completed a payment to the trader, they will be able to release the ChallengeDac (CHL), just by confirming receipt of the payment.
The default place where ChallengeDac (CHL) are added to is your account wallet.
Nonetheless, you will have to transfer them to your Spot Wallet in order for you to buy any other crypto.
That’s easy: just press "Transfer to Spot Wallet" immediately after the buying order has been completed.
This ChallengeDac (CHL) internal transfer can be carried out anytime later.
- Place the mouse pointer over "Wallet" and select "Wallet Funds" from the drop-down menu.
- The "Transfer" option is located at the top right. Press it.
- A pop-up window will open, where you should set the options to:
- From: Funds
- To: Fiat and Spot
- For The purpose of this article, we use «USDT» as an example, but you’ll obviously choose the currency you have
- Set the amount you are transferring for the Exchange and press "Confirm".
With these money already in your Spot Wallet, nothing keeps you from buying any crypto you believe could yield the greatest profit.
See how easy is to purchase any cryptocurrency from Binance:
- Look for the "Trading" option in the top top panel.
- From the listing choose the "Convert" alternative.
- Fill in the box the amount of «USDT» you want to spend.
- Choose the cryptocurrency you would like to buy.
- Choose "Preview conversion".
- Validate the transaction and that’s all. Now you will have the funds of the selected crypto in your Spot Wallet.
That’s all! Now you will have money in the Spot Wallet and you will be able to trade any of the numerous ChallengeDac (CHL) that the Binance platform has.
Find out how simple is to purchase any cryptocurrency from the Binance platform:
- Look for the "Trading" menu in the top top section.
- Press "Convert" from the list.
- Fill in the box the sum of «USDT» you wish to spend.
- Now indicate the crypto you’re interested in.
- Click on "Preview conversion".
- Confirm the transaction and that’s all. Now you will have the amount of the chosen cryptocurrency in your Spot Wallet.
You’ve already learned how simple is to start trading ChallengeDac (CHL) on Binance.
So, no time to waste, make a worthwhile business within this cryptocurrency platform.