CENNZnet CENNZ Rank #349

How to buy CENNZnet (CENNZ) Token - What is it, price and reliability

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What is CENNZnet? CENNZnet is a public blockchain network created in New Zealand that powers decentralized applications (DApps) and the CENNZ and CPAY cryptocurrencies. It is a user-friendly dapp platform that makes blockchain-based services accessible to builders and end-users for the first time so that everyone can enjoy the highest network transparency, data privacy, and reliability. that decentralization offers. How does CENNZnet work? The Dual Token Economy CENNZnet uses a unique dual token system to help developers, users and token holders get the most out of the network. CENNZnet has 2 tokens: CENNZ: the participation token that works separately to secure the rewards. This means that you can increase its value without affecting the cost of using the network. This is important so that the price of CENNZ can continue to rise without affecting the amount developers and users pay to use DApps. CPAY is network gas and is used to pay transaction fees. It is also a bulk reward payment on staking. It is designed to be algorithmically stable, so it will maintain a constant value. This means that developers building DApps on the network can easily predict the cost of their app and participants can easily predict the value of their stake. Consensus Mechanism: Proof of Stake CENNZnet uses a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism. This is where node operators hold, or stake, their tokens in a particular wallet as collateral against their promise to perform their functions properly. If they perform their duties correctly, they are rewarded in our CPAY token. Otherwise, the chips wagered are cut off or fined. Other token holders can also point their tokens to node operators (validators) of their choice to receive a portion of the CPAY reward. This system helps protect the network by encouraging the community to follow the protocol and prevent attacks. Governance CENNZnet is 100% on-chain using the voting mechanisms built into the blockchain. In CENNZnet governance, validators and node operators must vote on proposals using a direct voting mechanism (similar to direct democracy) to gain consensus. The voting results are adjusted algorithmically and their automatic execution is integrated directly into the protocol. Winning decisions were automatically integrated into the chain. CENNZnet Default Runtime Modules DApp creators have access to CENNZnet core modules that provide the building blocks for common functions required by DApp users. Using the CENNZnet NFT module, users can mint and sell NFTs on CENNZnet without having to touch a smart contract. Instead, they can create custom NFTs using just a Javascript API or point-and-click with a user interface. The CENNZX Spot eliminates mining for hire and centralized services by prioritizing decentralization, usability, and security. The Generic AssetGeneric Asset protocol enables the multi-currency economy of CENNZnet. The module allows you to pay transaction fees on any asset, as long as there is liquidity on the CENNZX chain GAS exchange. CENNZX will then seamlessly convert the asset into the official gas token, CPAY. This simplifies onboarding and the in-app experience by removing the need for new users to learn about different types of tokens and simply opt for their preferred currency. Donut The Donut module is the secret sauce of the CENNZnet blockchain. Donuts are proofs of delegation between two or more pairs of cryptographic keys. They allow us to show that one address delegates something to another address and allows the transfer of permissions and rules between different networks without the need for a centralized server. This supports user data privacy while maintaining a good user experience. The AttestationCENNZnet Attestations protocol provides a chain of claims registry for digital identity use cases. This allows you to protect your personal data to reduce security risks.