

BitcoinSoV BSOV Rank #8503

Invest in BitcoinSoV (BSOV) Token - What is it, price and staking

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BitcoinSoV is not a fork of Bitcoin, it is an ERC20 + ERC918 token on Ethereum. BitcoinSoV or commonly known as BSOV Token is a mineable and deflationary proof-of-work (PoW) crypto product powered and protected by Ethereum (ETH). BSOV is designed to function as a store of value and as a hedge against monetary inflation of fiat currencies around the world. A deflationary mechanism is built into the BSOV token contract that destroys 1% of any amount traded, even when trading dApps like Uniswap. No tokens are burned if BSOV tokens are held. This mechanism reduces the maximum possible total supply, which will make BSOV poorer if usage and adoption increases. The BSOV community offers holders to voluntarily lock their BSOV tokens into the SovCube time lock contract which slowly releases the tokens into the market.