Bit Hotel

Invest in Bit Hotel (BTH) Token - What is it, price and benefits

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PancakeSwap (V2) LTC/WBNB -
BitMart DGB/BTC -
Bit Hotel is a Social-first Play 2 Earn NFT Gaming Metaverse, in which users will be able to use Bit Hotel tokens to participate in governance or acquire native NFTs. These NFTs have in-game usability and consist of characters, hotel rooms, and accessories that have their own perks, and can also be traded on the open market. Users will be able to meet and chat with other players, compete on our various ever-changing mini-games, batle your way up the global leaderboard and come together in events. Users will be able to use their rooms to host small gatherings and use it as their own personal social hub. DAOs and communities will have club houses; in which they can host AMA's, organize IDOs, and other communal activities. Bit hotel offers users authenticity, anonymity, and the reminiscence of their 8-bit upbringing.